Timeline, history of logistics

From the earliest times where our ancestors stored their food in caves to survive the cold, the wars that fueled innovation in transportation and mobility to artificial intelligence, the history of logistics is the sum of large and small events that have unfolded. along the centuries.

Here we present some of the events that have stood out the most:

27th century BC: The Egyptians develop sophisticated materials transportation techniques and lifting equipment for the construction of pyramids.

3rd century BC: The Greeks create rowing boats making it possible to travel fast on the high seas.

6th century BC: The Phoenicians established maritime trade routes throughout the Mediterranean.

13th century AD The Hanseatic League was founded and was a powerful trading network that operated for hundreds of years, stretching from eastern England to the heart of Russia. (Some say that they are the beginnings of what we know today as the European Union)

11th and 12th centuries: trade in the Middle Ages is fueled by the Crusades and the new trade routes opened up by their advance.

11th and 12th centuries: the expansion of the Mongol Empire creates new routes, the beginnings of the famous silk road.

15th and 16th century: Voyages of exploration and European colonial expansion lead to new trade routes and greater commercial interconnection. The first advanced postal service in Europe was also established.

18th century: The rise of the market economy and the Industrial Revolution increase the demand for transportation and distribution of goods.

19th century: Railroads, trucks, and steamships make possible greater efficiency in the long-distance transportation of goods. The Industrial Revolution with its new inventions and the rise of the market economy increase international trade and globalization. The discovery of oil marked the beginning of a new economic era.

20th century: First cargo plane (Douglas C-1)

20th century: International trade agreements such as the World Trade Organization and free trade agreements drive trade and global economic integration.

20th century: rise of production planning and inventory management. (Kanban and Just-in-Time.)

20th century: Invention of the shipping container. The invention of the shipping container by the American Malcolm P. McLean changed the production conditions of almost all industries in the world and, subsequently, also changed consumption habits.

20th century: Emergence of outsourcing / outsourcing.

20th century: Rise of computing and technology, leading to greater efficiency and automation in logistics.

20th century: The World Customs Organization creates the International Agreement on the Harmonized Commodity Designation and Coding System, where the tariff fractions are established and these codes facilitate the identification of merchandise leaving and entering any member country.

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Blog source: https://transvectologistics.com/blog/linea-del-tiempo-historia-de-la-logistica_1


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