How to earn more money by improving your logistics?

Sometimes saving money is making money. Here we present 5 simple steps so that you feel more control of your imports and exports. 

1.       Don't stop thinking: How can I improve my supply chain?

Analyze your supply chain step by step, from end to end so that you can see in which “link” you can save time and money by adding or removing a process.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to improve your logistics:

If I send the documents required by customs well in advance, can I save a few hours to release them earlier? (It is always advisable to send your logistics agent the invoice, packing list, product description with photo and technical data sheet to anticipate the customs process)

Can I negotiate the days free of storage and delays that are currently offered to me?

Can I take a shorter and safer route?

How can I save the carrier money so that the carrier gives me a better price? (For example, if you ensure a good volume, the carrier can improve its rate for you or if you send the unit to a destination and then you have to return the unit loaded to an area similar to the one of origin, the carrier can greatly improve the transport quote for "Round trip")

Can the last mile delivery be done at other times of the day, such as at dawn, where the "rush hour" does not make us lose gasoline and valuable time?

Does the product that I import or export have a program that benefits us when paying tariffs? (Example: IMMEX, PROSEC , DRAWBACK)

Partner with a creative logistics agent, it can also work for you to play with multimodal shipping (Example: Using Boat for maritime transport and then TRAIN+TRUCK for land shipment)

2.       Quote with several options.

It's smart to use supplier diversification to your advantage; That is why quote with several options and then partner with the logistics company or Forwarder that offers you the best service and price.

Ask your supplier to include in the quote ALL the costs to be incurred, even if they are estimated, so that they do not come up with phantom costs at the time of invoicing.

With us, your logistics from start to finish will be coordinated by a group of experts to whom you have access by WhatsApp, phone or email when you need it. And not everything depends on a member of the team, so any problem can be detected and dealt with professionalism and on time. Besides, our invoices include very clear concepts to be very transparent with you.  

3.       Stay on top of market trends:

It would be good for you to take advantage of the drop in the price of shipping and be aware of the geopolitical situation of the countries with which you are doing business.

4.       Visibility is control and growth.

Technology already allows us to have a live view of where our product is and the estimated time in which it will be arriving at its destination. In addition, being "collecting" information allows you to predict and anticipate.

In the voice of a customer: “By knowing exactly when each delivery will arrive, we are able to manage our inventory more effectively and therefore provide our customers with much more reliable information about when an out-of-stock product will be back in stock.”

Transvecto Logistics is the best logistics company and it will allow you to have all the documents of your operation in a single email so that you can access that history at any time, at the same time, we create a WhatsApp group with you and your team to that they can see live how their operation is going.

5.       Inventory balance, neither more nor less.

Keep improving your procedures for buying new stock so you don't have more or less inventory and you can save storage costs with a smooth rotation.

It is healthy for your company to measure the delivery times of your purchase orders from the moment you start them until the product is in your warehouse or with the end customer because what you measure you can improve.

How many late deliveries did you have? And because? … What is the cause and how can I prevent it from happening again?

How many deliveries did you have on time? And how can I replicate the success? 

In conclusion, it is always a good time to ask yourself: How can I make my logistics more efficient? , What do I have to do so that transportation costs decrease while my deliveries on time increase? 

Sometimes the answers involve a lot of work; For example, having to find a supplier in another country so that the rules of origin eliminate tariffs or looking for a manufacturer close to your production area to apply the famous NEARSHORING.  

Start working with us, it's easy to start because we are flexible and there is no need for so much bureaucracy. Our clients are our priority and we will treat you as you deserve. (You deserve the best this life has to offer) 

The moment you start working with us you will have more efficient and transparent logistics, we will give you control of your imports and exports so that you and your team have time to focus on activities that benefit your customers the most, such as the development of product improvements. (R&D) and a better quality and warmth in your service with live information about the location of your orders. 

Quote with us your import and / or export!

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