Process your automatic notification of the Steel Sector for free

The objective of the automatic warnings is to protect the national industry and with this protect the national economy.

The customs authority uses the information from the automatic notifications to prevent and combat bad customs practices such as incorrect tariff classification, undervaluation, or incorrect declaration of the country of origin seeking to apply international treaties that should not apply to it.

Also, automatic notices and permits help the customs authority to carry out better statistical control of import and export operations.

To process this notice you will need to have the quality certificate and/or mill certificate on hand. This is a document that your supplier/seller of the product you are buying should give you to describe its specifications.

What is the difference between the mill certificate and the quality certificate?

The producer of steel coils (raw material) will issue a MILL certificate to its customers. The second producer that buys this roll (Raw material) and transforms it into rails, sheets or any other way will issue a QUALITY certificate to its customers.

Process your automatic notification of the Steel Sector for free.

These are the specifications that the certificate must have:

1. Detailed description of the goods including dimensions, technical, physical, chemical, metallurgical specifications, etc.

2. Country of origin of the goods.

3. Name and contact details of the company that produces or manufactures the goods (address, telephone and email).

4. Certificate number.

In the event that the mill or quality certificate does not expressly contain the certificate number, the casting number, or the folio number, or the order number can be entered.

5. Date of issue.

6. Volume of the goods.

Before processing your automatic notice for the steel sector, have on hand:

· Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC)

Mill Certificate or Quality Certificate

· For natural persons, Power of Attorney of the legal representative

· For legal persons, Constitutive Act and its modifications and Power of Attorney of legal representative

· Tariff fraction.

· Amount to import (volume) in unit of measurement of the Tariff.

· Value in dollars of the merchandise to be imported without including freight or insurance.

· Country of origin of the merchandise.

· Exporting country to the national territory.

· Mill or quality certificate number.

· Date of issuance of the mill or quality certificate.

· Name and address of the production company.

· Detailed description of the merchandise covered by the Mill or Quality Certificate, taking into account the following:

Example: sheet, plate, bars, drill pipe, line pipe, etc.

Example: unalloyed, alloyed, hot rolled, cold rolled, stainless etc.

Example: Type of coating used (metallic or non-metallic) in the case of coated or coated products or Type of finishing or complementary work, if applicable. Such as: perforations, scraping, reliefs, bevels, etc.

Percentage chemical composition:

Example: C: 0.031%, Si: 0.41%, MN: 1.061%, P: 0.031%, S: 0.0031% Cr: 18,141 %, Ni: 9.02%, Fe 0%, Cu: 0.020%

· Presentation of the product:

Example: Sheet, roll, piece, etc.

· Product identification key according to international standards:

For example: ASTM, ASME, API, SAE, etc.

· Accessories integrated into the product:

Example: Hooks, elbows, joining rails, supports, etc.

· Dimensions.

Preferably ask your supplier to make the certificate in millimeters, also include the caliber.


Now yes! 

1. Enter VUCEM.

2. You must submit a notice by tariff fraction, by country of origin and by mill or quality certificate.

3. Enter the information requested.

4. A certificate can be used in different notices as long as the set of corresponding notices does not exceed the amount covered by said certificate.

5. The mill certificate can be in Spanish or English, if it is in another language then you have to translate it.

6. A copy of the mill certificate must be attached for the tariff fractions included in items 7207 to 7304. In the case of the tariff items included in the items.

7. A copy of the quality certificate must be attached for the tariff items included in headings 7202 and 7305 to 7317.

Once the application is entered through the Digital Window, you will immediately obtain an Acknowledgment of receipt of the automatic notification and three business days later you will receive a response from the Secretary of Economy informing you if everything is fine or if you have to make corrections.

Additional support:

Remember that if you have questions we can help you!

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Call us: 812 646 6312

Send us a mail:

We treat your cargo with respect, as if it were our own!

By the way, most of our customers become our friends. 

Transvecto Logistics is a Logistics Company in Mexico with International Transportation  and Customs Clearance service.

Contact Information:



Phone: +52 1 812 646 6312 | +52 1 811 591 9822


Address: Calz San Pedro 801,

Fuentes del Valle,

66220 San Pedro Garza GarcĂ­a,

N.L., Mexico

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